Unconventional Drawings


Here I drew on brown parcel paper with bleach and used a light to capture the outlines made by the affected areas, I really loved this effect against the light gave a sense of freedom and happiness of life from the bird it’s self, almost expressing it’s life.


Above is the negative of the first picture this experiment was an attempt again with bleach to outline the shape and shade it in detail, this worked okay but needs light to be able to show the true effects of the bleach so slightly less successful but still effective.


This attempt was a failure, I used tissue paper and bleach but the bleach had no effect and dried out almost instantly leaving no trace of a drawing behind, but just because you can’t see it does it really mean it’s not there? it is still a drawing, but it could represent a historic moment, e.g extinction, you could look at it in anyway possible in that respect.


The unconventional aspect about this piece is that it was drawn on the back of a sketch book instead of in one. Here I could express my self in what way I was feeling at the time, as it was a sturdy and tough surface, I could roughly mark small engraved lines into it to represent my tension at the time, these marks and expression combined created an unusual look for the bird which is opposite to what a bird usually is, smooth and delicate. Including all these aspects I experimented and resulted in effects that have stretched my knowledge as to what I can do as an artist and how far I can stretch what drawing actually is. I choose this design as it is tattoo that I have that means something to me, which I also think resulted into a more personal outcome rather than just a representation of my actual tattoo.


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